Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Day 3: Rest... YEAH RIGHT

I know today is supposed to be my rest day but I want to hoop! haha... I know that a day of rest doesn't really mean sit around and do nothing. I gives me the opportunity to infuse my exercise regimen with something else: I'll probably do some Brazil Butt Life or go to a Zumba class. I love having a chance to incorporate dance moves into my hoopdance.

I really wish there was NIA or African Dance somewhere nearby. I'm afraid the closest I can find it is in Sacramento and that's about 45 minutes away. That's too far away for me to leave Harold with Willow (who will be 4 months in a few more weeks) and expect her to be okay since I'm EBF with her.

I've been feeling very centered lately and I was reminded of those rotating pilars that have the mantra "OM MANI PADME HUM" written over and over and as you brush past them and the rotate you are praying to your higher self.

When I went to Rainbow Gathering, 4 months pregnant with Zora, I sang Om Mani Padme Hum to myself in the meadow during the silence on the Fourth of July to pray for world peace. I stood, hula hooping in silence, praying and singing in my mind, for hours. It was beautiful.

So could I, then, be praying while hooping simply by  having the worlds whirling around me over and over? I think yes! So I am going to  make a Tibetan Prayer Flag Hoop. I can't wait for them to come in the mail!

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